How to Display Fine Art in Your Home

As a homeowner, there is a lot of pleasure to be taken in decorating your home exactly as you see fit. It’s your property, after all, and you are free to make it a space that brings you pleasure day after day. Fine art is one excellent way to upgrade the interior appearance of your home, but you need to be sure to display it properly to achieve the desired effect. This article will look closer at a few tips to do just that.


If you have been looking for quality Greensboro home builders to work with on an upcoming construction project, you won’t do any better than R & K Custom Homes. As a luxury home builder with an excellent reputation in the local market, you’ll have a wonderful experience from start to finish and will come away with a home that your family can love for generations.


Evaluate the Space

Before you start hanging anything on the walls, start by taking an overview of the space you have available and start to picture where some of your pieces might go. You aren’t making any definite plans at this point – this is more like a brainstorming session.


A couple of important things to keep in mind here are color and size. In terms of color, you don’t want to place any art in a room where the prevailing colors in that room are going to clash with or take away from the piece itself. And you want the size of the room to generally match up with the pieces in question – a tiny piece of art in a big room will look lost, while a big piece in a small room could be too much and might take over the aesthetics.


Find Your Focal Points

In each room where you plan to display some art, pick out one spot that is going to be the focus of the entire space. This is where you’ll put your best piece, and you can then add other pieces in various spots around the room to bring everything together. These focal point pieces will not only dictate what other art goes in the room, but they can also help inform choices about other décor elements.


Don’t Go Too High

Lastly, it’s important to offer a word of warning about placing art too high on your walls. This is a common mistake, and it might look okay while you are putting up the pieces – only until you step back and realize that it is quite difficult to enjoy the pieces as they were intended when they are up so high. Try to locate the center of your pieces at roughly eye level for the best outcome.


Custom homes are so appealing because they can easily be shaped into something that is ideal for your needs. Whether you want to display fine art in a dedicated room, or you want spaces throughout the house to show off your collection, a custom floor plan can make it happen. Reach out to R & K Custom Homes today to learn more.