Resort-Inspired Living – Bringing the Vacation Experience Home with Luxury Amenities

Everyone loves going on vacation. It’s always a nice break to get away and do something different, and depending on where you travel, you might get to enjoy some amenities that you simply don’t have access to at home.


Of course, no vacation can last forever, so why not include some of those great amenities in the design of your next home? The great thing about custom homes like those built by R & K Custom Homes is that they can be designed specifically to include the kinds of features usually only found in a resort. Consider the ideas below for inspiration as you plan out your upcoming project.


Start By Getting Smart

More and more resort facilities are including smart technology in their designs, and that’s a natural place to start with your home design. Things like automated lighting systems and climate control can make it more enjoyable to spend time in your home and will help you save time on a daily basis, as well. By designing smart functions into your home from the start, you can avoid costly projects later on that would require opening up walls and other renovations to add these features.


A Space for Wellness

Something you will find at almost every modern resort is a wellness area, whether it is a spa, a gym, a yoga studio, or some combination of those if it is a luxury facility, it will have an area for relaxation and meditation. This is an ideal idea to steal for your own custom home design. Not only should you consider including a room that will be a dedicated home gym, but you could also add a sauna or steam room, or other features that promote relaxation. The great thing about doing this in your home is that you can customize the features you include to align perfectly with the types of wellness activities that you and your family enjoy.


The Right Aesthetics

It’s not all about the specific amenities that are offered by a resort, but you also want to think about the overall look and feel of these kinds of properties and how that could be mimicked at home. For instance, most resorts opt for a relatively minimal, open design, with plenty of natural light filling the indoor spaces. Going with this approach, rather than adding too many walls and dividers that break up your rooms and make things feel small and cramped, would be a big upgrade.


Add Some Luxury

Finally, you’ll want to include at least one or two luxurious pieces that really make it feel like you are on vacation. This could go in a lot of different directions, but focusing on creating a high-end bathroom is an ideal way to make a house feel like a luxury resort. With a large soaking tub and a steam shower, for instance, your master bathroom will always feel like a well-deserved retreat from the world.


The best home builders won’t back down from a challenge, even if it means including a feature not usually seen in a house. Greensboro builders R & K Custom Homes would be happy to work with you on a custom home project that includes some resort-inspired amenities, so reach out today to get started.